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#415404 - 2004-09-09 15:53:30 Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 *****
jfive 離線
註冊: 2003-04-16
文章數: 1169
第 15 筆
國家圖書館索書號: 系統編號: 91NCKU5442168
     出版年: 民2003/07/31
     研究生: 賴瑞揚 Juei-Yang Lai
(以研究生姓名查詢國家圖書館索書號 ,未查獲者表國圖尚未典藏)
(連結至全國圖書聯合目錄)  (連結至政大圖書館館藏目錄)
    論文名稱: 末梢血流波形之動態即時量測與分析系統之設計
    論文名稱: Design of Real-Time System for Dynamically Measuring and
Analyzing the Peripheral Blood Flow Waveform
    指導教授: 楊明興 Ming-Shing Young
    學位類別: 碩士
    校院名稱: 國立成功大學
    系所名稱: 電機工程學系碩博士班
     學年度: 91
     語文別: 中文
    論文頁數: 58
     關鍵字: 末梢血流波形 peripheral blood flow
諧波分析 harmonic wave analysis

 Chinese Medicine was innovated earlier than Modern Medicine. It is a bible
of Chinese civilization in medicine. Chinese Medicine originated from Chinese
people’s intelligence. And it has taken care of Chinese health generation by
generation for thousands years.
 Recently, a resonance model of blood pressure circulation was presented by
professor W.K. Wang. He considers that top ten of diseased death is related to
blood circulation and the main cause is obstructive in blood circulation.
 This study develops a system with the function of real-time measuring,
recording and analyzing the variation of peripheral blood flow waveform. The
result is used to estimate the relation between blood circulation and
physiological condition. It can be offer a reference for a medical doctor.

 中文摘要                        Ⅰ
 第一章 緒論1
 第二章 系統設計原理與方法4
 2-1 系統架構4
 2-2 硬體設計6
 2-2-1 光感測器6
 2-2-2 量測電路模組設計8
 2-2-3 類比至數位轉換電路設計12
 2-2-4 串列傳輸介面電路設計15
 2-2-5 系統電源供應電路模組設計16
 2-3 韌體設計  20
 2-4 軟體設計21
 2-4-1 通訊介面程式22
 2-4-2 訊號取樣頻率23
 2-4-3 分析處理程式24
 2-4-3-1 消除基線漂移25
 2-4-3-2 擷取特徵週期26
 2-4-3-3 諧波分析28
 2-4-3-4 統計分析29
 第三章 系統功能測試與整合30
 3-1 系統功能測試31
 3-2 量測電路模組測試32
 3-3 類比至數位轉換電路測試32
 3-4 串列傳輸介面電路測試32
 3-5 系統電源電路模組測試32
 3-6 系統整合測試33
 第四章 實驗方法與結果34
 4-1 實驗方法及設備34
 4-2 實驗結果35
 4-2-1 十位正常男子分析結果35
 4-2-2 病人分析結果41
 第五章 討論  44
 第六章 結論46
 附錄C 諧波成分與臟器經絡的關係表57
 自述 58

 [1]M.F. O’Rourke, A.P. Avolio,“Pulsatile Flow And Pressure in Human
Systemic Arteries:Studies in Man And in a Multi-Branched Model of the Human
Systemic Arterial Tree”, Cir. Res. 46,pp.363-372,1980.
 [2]M.G. Taylor,“ An Approach to the Analysis of the Arterial Pulse Wave II.
Fluid Oscillations in an Elastic Tube ”,Phys. Med. Biol. 1,pp.321-329,1966.
 [3]Y.Y. Wang Lin, S.L. Chang, Y.E. Wu, T.L. Hsu, W.K. Wang, “Resonance:the
Missing Phenomenon in Hemodynamics”, Circulation Research, edited by W.K.
Wang,69,pp.246-249, 1991.
 [4]W.K. Wang, Y.Y. Lao, T.L. Hsu, Y. Chiang, Y.Y. Wang Lin, “Resonance of
Organs with Heart”, Biomedical Engineering:An International Symposium edited
by W.J. Wang. (Washington, DC:Hemisphere),pp.259-268,1989.
 [5]S.T. Young, W.K. Wang, L.S. Chang, T.S. Kuo, “Specific Frequency
Properties of Renal and Superior Mesenteric Arterial Beds in Rats”,
Cardiovascular Research,23, pp.465-467,1989.
 [6]W.K. Wang, Y.Y. Wang Lin, T.L. Hsu, Y. Chiang, “Some Foundations of
Pulse Feeling in Chinese Medicine”,In Biomedical Engineering:An International
Symposium,edited by W.J. Wang. (Washington, DC:Hemisphere),pp.268-297,1989.
 [8]S.T. Young, W.K. Wang, L.S. Chang, T.S. Kuo, “The Spectrum Study of
Blood Pressure during the Disturbance of Organic Vascular Beds and Their
Explanations”,Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. Vol.12,No.5,pp.
651-657, 1989.
 [9]Y.Y. Wang Lin, C.C. Chang, J.C. Chen, H. Hsiu, W.K. Wang, “Pressure Wave
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Behavior of a Real Artery”,IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology,16, pp.51-
 [10]S.T. Young, W.K. Wang, L.S. Chang, T.S. Kuo, “The Filter Properties of
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 [12]C. W. Hsieh, C. W. Mao, M. S. Young, “Assessment of Parasympathetic
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第 19 筆
國家圖書館索書號: 系統編號: 91NTU00198008
     出版年: 民92
     研究生: 鮑建國 BAU, Jian-Guo
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(連結至全國圖書聯合目錄)  (連結至政大圖書館館藏目錄)
    電子全文: 電子全文下載
    論文名稱: 穴診機制與量化之研究
    論文名稱: Study of Mechanism and Quantification of Acu-scope
    指導教授: 王唯工 WANG, Wei-Kung
    學位類別: 博士
    校院名稱: 國立臺灣大學
    系所名稱: 物理學研究所
      學號: D83202010
     學年度: 91
     語文別: 中文
    論文頁數: 80
     關鍵字: 穴診儀 Acu-scope
電極 electrode
極化 polarization
酸鹼度 pH
電阻抗 impedance
瞬態 transient
缺氧 ischemia
伏爾電針 EAV
斷方法。以EAV (Electro-Acupuncture according to Dr. Voll) 為主的穴診法是以量測
電極對量測的影響。在第五章對受測體進行整體分析,我們分別評估 (A) 大面積接觸電極
之阻抗,(B) 與電極接觸部分之皮膚阻抗,(C) 身體內部迴路之阻抗,對量測結果的貢獻
我們發現對電極極化之瞬態電流(transient response)貢獻最大的因素是pH的變化,而

In 1980’s, a resonance theory was developed to describe the behavior of the
pulse for the blood pressure wave. Based on the resonance theory, pulse
analysis was built to obtain the information of the energy distribution in the
whole body. On the other hand, as a company of the pulse analysis, an
integrated diagnosis, a method for the functional diagnosis of specific tissue
is still needed. EAV (Electro-Acupuncture according to Dr. Voll), a widespread
method was used in Homeopathy to diagnose “energy” by measuring the skin
impedance of specific acupuncture points. Based on previous clinical and
fundamental studies of the pulse analysis and EAV, I aim at building the
working principles from physics to physiology and developing the quantitative
analysis of Acu-scope for the “local” diagnosis.
In chapter two, “resonance theory and pulse analysis”, the idea of bio-assay
is applied to study the effect of eight herbs used in Chinese medicine. As the
prediction of the resonance theory, all eight spleen-meridian-related herbs
increase the third harmonic proportion of blood pressure wave significantly.
The results not only provide pharmacological foundation for Chinese herbs, but
also give further supports for the efficiency of the resonance theory and the
pulse analysis. In chapter three, we standardize and quantify EAV by applying
subcutaneous measuring electrodes and using a programmable switch. The
modified Acu-scope system performs the same results in diagnosis and
especially shows highly reproducible ability. In chapter four, we investigate
the mechanism of Acu-scope in phantom. When the concentration of lactate is
increased near the measuring electrode, the peak current of polarization
becomes larger. Although the results are consistent with that of EAV, the
deviated calibration data seem still revealing the influence beyond the
interface of the measuring electrode. In order to enhance the performance of
the Acu-scope, we study the contributions of each part of samples and the
measuring electrodes respectively in chapter five and six. In chapter five,
contributions of three parts are evaluated: (A) interface impedance of surface
electrodes, (B) skin impedance contacted with surface electrode, and (C)
impedance of inner part of body. In the first order approximation of the
equivalent circuit, part (A) can be ignored, part (B) and (C) vary for
different subjects and should be taken into account. If the size of the
measuring electrode is small enough, total capacitance effect of the
polarization is determined by the capacitance of polarization at the measuring
electrode interface. Therefore, it can be used as a sensor to detect the
specific spot. Opposite to the capacitance effect, the peak current of
transient is influenced by both of the part (B) and (C). In chapter six, the
contribution of the measuring electrode is studied in particular. The enhanced
concentration of lactate mainly increases the capacitance of the polarization
rather than the peak current. In chapter seven, the influence of KCl on
polarization is compared with that of HCl. We observe that the electrode
polarization is mainly effected by pH. Because the pH decrease follows the
increase of the lactate in ischemia tissue, it reveals the measured signal of
the Acu-scope should be due to the variation of the pH in ischemia tissues.
By the quantitatively analytic methods, Acu-scope and the pulse analysis are
the scientific tools to investigate the traditional Chinese medicine.
Cooperated with the modern medicine and the experience of traditional
medicine, the Acu-scope can be coordinated with the pulse analysis to develop
as the screening and diagnostic device for the investigation on the severity
of ischemia tissues. With the advantages of a minimized electrode and short
response time, the Acu-scope will also be practical for either in-vitro or in-
vivo pH measurement.

第一章 缺氧診斷-未來預防醫學的新方向           1
第二章 共振理論與脈診                   7
第三章 穴診儀的標準化與量化               21
第四章 穴診儀的原理初探與定量校正            35
第五章 穴診儀整體分析與改良               41
第六章 量測電極與穴診儀的量測              63
第七章 電極極化與pH量測                 69
第八章 結論與未來工作                  79
參考資料                         81

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3. 王唯工;鮑建國,穴診儀之定量刻劃與動物實驗二,國立中國醫藥研究所委辦研究計劃
4. 王唯工;鮑建國;徐則林,以脈診研究中醫藥之歸經原理-入脾經藥,行政院衛生署中
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議題 貼文者 : 張貼日期
王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:21:04
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:43:55
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:44:50
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:45:36
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:46:24
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:47:18
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:48:13
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:49:04
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:50:09
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:51:23
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:52:25
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:53:30
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:54:18
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-09 15:55:05
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-13 11:30:04
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-13 12:47:56
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-16 16:30:18
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-17 01:02:05
Re: 王唯工教授的論文摘要整理 jfive 2004-09-17 10:30:04
死生之域 jfive 2004-09-20 20:20:19
Re: 死生之域 sunni 2006-05-21 23:54:05
Re: 死生之域 jfive 2006-06-04 02:32:47
Re: 死生之域 yhs 2006-06-04 03:21:44
Re: 死生之域 阿惟 2006-06-04 06:31:49
汪叔游 中醫脈證學 jfive 2006-06-22 01:44:57
簡體繁體"氣的樂章"對照表 jfive 2007-01-04 14:50:39
Re: 簡體繁體"氣的樂章"對照表 radiumtw 2015-09-10 19:20:38
王唯工教授「氣的樂章」摘要整理 adamyeh 2006-05-08 18:55:02
當今生理學無法解釋的人體循環問題 adamyeh 2006-05-08 22:01:36
心臟諧波理論整合中西方醫學 adamyeh 2006-05-19 17:05:43
Re: 王唯工教授「氣的樂章」摘要整理 jfive 2006-05-10 11:05:13
Re: 王唯工教授「氣的樂章」摘要整理 yapkimtong 2006-05-18 23:23:38

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