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#7121 - 2000-04-24 17:37:31 A Case
Puka2000 離線
註冊: 2000-02-01
文章數: 3217
溫故知新, 蠻好的. 供給大家參考.
發信人: Puka (水遶山環), 信區: FORTUNE
標 題: A Case of Horary Chart
發信站: 交大電控BBS (Sat Jan 2 23:29:16 1999) , 轉信

A Case of Horary Chart

下面把原文列出, 供作參考.
Event Chart
Apr 1 1995 8:30AM (-7) 122W12 47N58
Regiomontanus House System
(原作者使用此分宮法, 我很少用此分宮法,
此分宮法是Horary大師William Lilly所用,
故許多Horary Practitioner都follow之.)
某個早晨, 母親發現她的女兒(Brenda)失蹤了,
而前一晚, 父親與母親的友人到家裡宴會, 大家
都喝醉了.父親是最後一個看到女兒的人. 報案後,
警方在該友人的貨車上找到女兒血跡反應, 並在
六天後, 於西北方約六哩的沼澤地找到女兒的屍
體. 經化驗後, 確定該友人強暴了她, 並將她掐
Missing Child/ Dead or Alive?
A young child (Brenda) is missing from her home early
one morning when the family arises. The father has gone
out hiking early in the morning before the rest of the family
gets up and it could be possible that the child is with the
father, the mother thinks when she finds the child gone and
her nightgown neatly folded on the end of her bed and some
of her clothes gone. The woman sends her son out to find
the man and hopefully the child. This of course was not the
case the father had not seen the child and had gone hiking
alone as prearranged with his wife. This is the story that was
presented to the police when they were called on for help.
We are using the chart for the time that Brenda was discovered
missing by her brother at 8:30 A.M. PDT., in this chart Brenda
is represented by the 1st house and her ruler is Venus. Venus is
in the 11th house of hopes and wishes and also her friends. It
can also represent the 5th after the 7th of other person's sexual
entertainment. Venus is the strongest planet at 17 and the Part
of Fortune is in the 1st. At first glance this may look positive but
then we must look at the dispositor of the Part of Fortune which
is Mercury and found in the 12th house of captivity or confinement
also secret enemies. Mercury is conjunct Scheat (it causes extreme
misfortunes, murder, suicide & drowning) Robson p. 206. The Part
of Fatality is at 1 degree Taurus 17 Min. in the 12th house (Venus
the dispositor/ruler of Brenda).
The Ascendant is conjunct Algol (nature of saturn and jupiter) both
of these planets represent death in this chart, Jupiter as the ruler of
the 8th and saturn the natural ruler of death. Algol causes misfortune,
violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution & mob violence and
gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or
others. It is the most evil star on the heavens. Robson p. 124
The last place Brenda was seen was in her room at home so we will
look at the 4th house also the last one to see her was her father, also
ruled by the 4th house. The ruler of the 4th is the Moon which is at
29 degrees (at the end of something) and found in the 12th, an
unfortunate house. Mars is found in the 4th and rules the 7th of
"other person" at the family home or with the father. This proved to
be true because a man was at the home the night before at a party
(or rather partying ) with the family.
Looking to the 7th house of the "other person" who may have been
involved, indicated by Mars the ruler of the 7th in the 4th. Jupiter
retrograde is found in the 7th house and jupiter is the ruler of the
8th of death. Saturn the natural ruler of death is found in the 11th
of hope and wishes and friends. The Moon will show us the actions,
in this chart the actions are over the
child is dead, it is just a matter of finding her. The Moon is at 29
degrees, nothing can be done for Brenda. The Moon also rules the
4th of the end of the matter, it is almost finally over.
What happened? If we look at the aspects of the Moon before the
question/event chart we can see that Moon conjunct Sun shows the
ruler of the 5th of children is in the 12th house of enemies and
causing serious damage.
The Moon then sextiles the part of fortune in the 1st but remember
that the dispositor is in the 12th. The Moon is then trine Mars, this
could show a stabbing incident, 4th house involvement possibly at
home or connected to the father. Then the Moon moves to a trine
of Jupiter ruler of the 8th of death. She was stabbed at home, her
father may be the guilty person or know who did this , and she is
dead and because of the trine aspect she went swiftly and easily
into death.
The Moon is slow telling us that it will take longer to find the
killer or the body. The first aspect the Moon makes in the next
sign is sextile Venus in 6 degrees, which can show that the girl
will be found in 6 days (she was). Taking into account Scorpio
on the 7th cusp CA p. 97, Latter part of Scorpio CA p. 550, Mars
peregrine CA p.66-67, we came up with a description of a man
who is a friend of the girl and her father and had been at the house
the night before the girl disappeared. If he had told the little girl
they were going to go somewhere to get a surprise for her parents
or brother, she would have gone with him, very quietly, no
questions asked. This proved to be a fact, the father and his "friend"
were getting drunk together in the home the night before the girl
disappeared. The friend left and lured the girl out through the
bedroom window by telling her they were going to get a surprise
of her mother. The girl was not afraid because the man was a friend
of her parents and she knew him. She went with him in his van, the
parents were too drunk to notice. He raped her repeatedly and then
stabbed her in the throat 6 times and dumped her body in the woods,
by a marshy area called "wetlands" (venus in Pisces) CA p.99. In a
northwest direction from the home (pisces) 5 miles from the home
where she was abducted (venus at 5 degrees pisces). Her body was
found 6 days later (Moon sextile Venus in next sign). Her blood was
found in the man's van and forensics tests (blood, sperm, DNA)
showed he was the attacker.
She was a very young child and fought very hard to stay alive
but she was no match for this man. She is now at peace and he
will be "hung by the neck until dead" .

Carol A. Wiggers, c 1995

#1807317 - 2015-09-15 06:08:23 Re: A Case [Re: Puka2000]
向日葵花季 離線
註冊: 2011-03-05
文章數: 1361


#1807364 - 2015-09-15 10:06:37 Re: A Case [Re: Puka2000]
同人于野 離線
註冊: 2015-08-10
文章數: 2035
來自: 台北市


↑檔案描述: 我沒換宮位系統




居寬老師 @命理論命平台 :
#1807584 - 2015-09-16 12:19:41 Re: A Case [Re: 同人于野]
天醫 離線
註冊: 2000-02-21
文章數: 2668
來自: 新竹市


編輯者: 天醫 (2015-09-16 12:33:40)

#1807587 - 2015-09-16 12:27:55 Re: A Case [Re: 天醫]
天醫 離線
註冊: 2000-02-21
文章數: 2668
來自: 新竹市

#1807625 - 2015-09-16 14:29:02 Re: A Case [Re: Puka2000]
同人于野 離線
註冊: 2015-08-10
文章數: 2035
來自: 台北市



居寬老師 @命理論命平台 :
#1807671 - 2015-09-17 00:19:34 Re: A Case [Re: 天醫]
天醫 離線
註冊: 2000-02-21
文章數: 2668
來自: 新竹市
張貼者: 天醫

這種合絆的觀念西洋占星也是有的,解釋起來比咱們中國還科學。如此例大三角成局。120度的張角是令人感到舒適的相位,容易產生正向回饋。如A∠B=120度,如以A為主體看,B施力給他讓他Happy,A會不斷發出需索的訊號,但是B若無對A企求或額外動力或能源提供,他持續動能有限。此時再加一組B∠C=120度,B本身成為主體,C變成B的施力者或能源提供者讓B Happy。B 也會如A般向C不斷發出需索的訊號。因為圓周是360度,在B∠C=120度的同時,C∠A=120度也同時成立了,於是這種不斷需索、施力的循環圈成立了。終於大家都沈溺在這個輪迴中不能出來。這種力量太大,無法中間干涉打斷。用在好事還好,用在找人這檔事,就麻煩了。非弄個魚死網破或費盡千辛萬苦或者就是永遠失蹤了。尤其本局是火局,原本就有色情衝動暴力的傾向。

#1807716 - 2015-09-17 03:12:07 Re: A Case [Re: Puka2000]
同人于野 離線
註冊: 2015-08-10
文章數: 2035
來自: 台北市

我學機械的,知道三個施力 120 度會形成合力為 0,所以代表的是完全平衡的狀態,不容易被打斷。相位本身是從宮位發展過來的,例如 0 度是調和或加強(可思考何時叫調和,何時到加強)是取命宮的意義。90 度阻礙是取父母宮的意義,爸媽總是不讓你做這個,做那個,名之非正面的阻礙。180 度的對衝則是正面敵人,正是取七宮的意義,夫妻宮一方面也有敵人的意涵。120 度是有外援,不求而得的幸運,這是子女宮的意義,父母有難子女自然會自動幫忙,不假外求。

丁氏占星學只看這四大相位,有些人會看 30 度和 60 度的中相位。30 度和 60 度是取財帛宮和兄弟宮的意義,但它們是有求而得,如果大相位不求而得可以論,何須看中小相位呢?

還有 150 度相位通常被用來看健康,但把它化成宮位,相信大家就知道怎麼一回事了吧?



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