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#680242 - 2006-03-07 23:04:01 轉貼:卜卦占星案例:失物占
潘文欽 離線
註冊: 1999-12-22
文章數: 4215
來自: 基隆
原文請參閱: 網頁

I asked this question early Saturday morning, after being up most of the night formatting my hard drive, and reinstalling & tweaking software for the third time in two days. The Zip disk contained important software that I needed to reinstall, and I didn't want to have to download it all again. I was tired and cranky, and cast the chart for the moment when I threw up my hands and, so to speak, cried, "Enough, already!"

Scorpio rising, and Mercury in its detriment conjunct Pluto in the first house describe me well. I was very agitated, tired, fed up, and in a powerfully ugly mood after wrestling with computer problems for the last 36 hours.

Often, I find that the location of the Sun and/or the Moon in the chart accurately describes the question, and thus confirms the validity of the chart. In this chart, both lie in the 2nd house of lost items.

The planetary hour is Venus, natural ruler of moveable possessions. The chart accurately describes the situation, and is thus fit to be judged.

Generally, a postive aspect between the first house ruler (or Moon), and the 2nd house ruler, or the retrogradation of the 2nd house ruler or a planet in that house, would indicate that the missing item will indeed be found. I wasn't particularly concerned when I didn't see any of these indications in the chart; I knew that the Zip disk had to be somewhere in the house, as I'd used it about twelve hours ago. Later, though, I noticed that there were indeed some indications that I would find the missing disk. The next planet that the Moon passes over is Venus, natural ruler of the missing disk. Also, Mars (me) and Jupiter (the disk) receive each other by term; Mars receives Venus (natural ruler of personal possessions) in Libra. [Click here to see a table of Ptolemaic dignities for this chart.]

I studied the chart closely later in the day. Jupiter is angular, in the 4th, showing that the disk is probably where it should be. Jupiter in Pisces indicates that the disk is probably near water, and low to the ground. In The Only Way to Learn Horary and Astrology, Joan McEvers says, "If the planet ruling the lost item is in Virgo, Pisces, the 6th or 12th house, it is usually not visible and may be found in a drawer, cupboard, pocket or some other enclosed place" (81). McEvers also relies on the Part of Fortune to find missing items. I use a day/night Part of Fortune, which in this chart places it in the 12th house, in Scorpio, confirming that the disk is out of sight, and near water . . . or in the garbage.

There might be cause for concern--Has the disk been accidentally thrown out? Has it been damaged by water?--but using Lilly's point system, Jupiter is ranked as the strongest planet in the chart. The disk is in good condition.

Jupiter in the 4th suggests that the disk is "where it ought to be." It ought to be in my study, which is where I've already looked for it--repeatedly. I looked for more precise directions to tell me where in the study (or house) it might be. I used Lilly's system for finding lost objects.

The preponderance of indicators points to a north/northwesterly location.

To summarize, the indicators suggest that the disk is hidden from view, in, or near a place it ought to be, low to the ground, and towards the northwest.

I found the disk in my study, which is where it is supposed to be. It was not close to the ground, but about three feet off the ground, in a utility trolley basket that I use as a catch-all. The basket sat against the northern wall of the study, in the northwest portion of the room, against the wall shared with the bathroom; the bathtub and plumbing were no more than two feet from the disk, beyond the wall. The disk was hidden under a stack of papers, out of sight.


我星期六早上的早些時候問這個問題, 在在差不多一夜晚(格式化我的硬碟驅動,並且在兩天內第3 次重新安裝和擰軟體)上升之后。 這個拉鏈磁片包含我需要重新任命的重要的軟體,並且我不想要必須全部再次下載它。 我疲倦和古怪, 並且在我抬起我的手和可以這樣說,哭,"足夠,已經"時,此刻投圖表﹗

天蠍座提升,以及在它的損害過程中的水星結合的在第一個房子裡的冥王星很好地描述我。 我非常焦慮,疲倦,厭倦,和穿一強有力醜陋心情在角力與計算機問題適合前36個小時一起之后。

經常,我發現太陽的位置和/或月亮在圖表裡準確描述問題, 因此確認圖表的有效性。 在這張圖表裡,兩個在于失去的項目的第2所房子。

行星的小時是維納斯,可調的財產的天生的統治者。 圖表準確描述情勢,並且如此適合被判斷。

通常, 在第一個房子統治者(或者月亮)之間的postive朝向, 以及第2個房子統治者, 或者在那所房子裡的第2個房子統治者或者一顆行星的retrogradation,將表明丟失的項目的確將被找到。 當我沒看見在圖表裡的任何跡象時,我不太關心; 我知道這個拉鏈磁片必須在房子裡在某處,因為我大約12 個小時以前已經使用它。 過后,不過,我注意到的確有一些我將找到這個丟失的磁片的跡象。 衛星透過的下一顆行星是金星,這個丟失的磁片的天生的統治者。 此外,火星(我)和木星(這個磁片)在時期以前收到彼此; 火星在天秤座裡收到金星(個人財產的天生的統治者)。 [點擊這裡看見這張圖表的一張Ptolemaic 尊嚴的桌子。 ]

我晚間仔細研究圖表。 木星是角的,在第4裡,顯示這個磁片或許是它應該在的地方。 在雙魚座裡的木星表明這個磁片離水或許近,和到地低。 按唯一模式學習Horary 和占星術,瓊McEvers 說, "如果在處女座,雙魚座,第6或者第12所房子裡的失去的項目的行星統治, 通常不可見並且可能在一抽屜內發現,碗柜,其他隨函附上的口袋或者一些安置"(81)。 McEvers也代表命運倚賴找到丟失的項目。 我使用一個命運的天/夜晚部分, 哪個在這張圖表裡把它安置在第12所房子裡,在天蠍座裡,確認這個磁片從視線中消失,和在水附近 . . . 或者在廢料裡。

對于擔心可能有理由 --這個磁片被偶然發出了嗎? 它被由水路損壞了嗎? --但是使用利利的瞄準系統,木星在圖表裡被排列為最強大的行星。 這個磁片是正常的。

在第4裡的木星建議它應該在的地方,這個磁片是"。 "它應該在我的研究過程中,在我已經尋找它了的地方 --反覆。 我尋找可能的告訴我在研究過程中在那裡的準確方向更(或者房子)。 我用利利的系統找到失去的物體。

指標的優勢指向一個向北/ 向西北位置。

總結, 指標建議這個磁片被遮得看不見,在裡,或者在它應該的一個地方附近, 地低,和向西北。

我發現下我研究內的磁片,哪個是是應該在那裡。 沒接近于地那兒,而是離開地面大約3 英尺,在籃手推車多用內,我使用當時一包羅萬象。 這個籃靠研究的北方的牆放,在房間的西北部分,靠與浴室同享的牆; 澡盆和鉛管製造是頂多離這個磁片兩英尺,在牆以外。 從視線中消失,這個磁片被隱藏在許多文件下。



編輯者: 潘文欽 (2006-03-07 23:05:17)
#680243 - 2006-03-17 21:41:16 Re: 轉貼:卜卦占星案例:失物占
Rose_wang 離線
註冊: 2005-07-09
文章數: 3352
來自: 呆呆星球
請教潘大Lilly's system 是什麼系統?
#680244 - 2006-04-11 01:10:49 Re: 轉貼:卜卦占星案例:失物占
Puka2000 離線
註冊: 2000-02-01
文章數: 3217
一宮為東 七宮為西
十宮為南 四宮為北
其餘四方 依此類推
#999889 - 2008-01-26 19:58:04 Re: 轉貼:卜卦占星案例:失物占 [Re: Puka2000]
Rose_wang 離線
註冊: 2005-07-09
文章數: 3352
來自: 呆呆星球

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