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#438047 - 2004-10-31 04:24:45 forecast of your future in 2005內容:應該不是呼弄人的ㄅ
alice_c 離線
註冊: 2004-09-16
文章數: 30
[email protected] :
- All of the previsions for the whole of 2005, month by month, week by
week and day by day.
- The moments which will be most intense for you during this year 2005.
- The opportunities which you can seize and the chances presented to
- Precise counsel to find yourself in the right place at the right time
and to make good decisions.
- Traps you should avoid or go around.
- Which will be the major changes which will happen in your life in
- What 2005 has in store for you on a sentimental level, which will be
the strong moments.
- How your finances will evolve in 2005 and how to use the most
favorable moments of chance.
- What will be the evolution on a professional level and how to
recognize the opportunities which will present themselves.
- How the Planets will move and why this is important for you
- Important encounters and how these will change your life.
- How you can communicate better with people in 2005, how you can meet
more people.
- What will be the most profitable moments and how you can boost your
projects and acheive sucess.
- Which months in 2005 will be most important for you.
- Which exact dates will be crucial for you to act.
- Exactly how you can use your astrology to make your life better until
the 29th October 2004

This offer is limited, it is unique and I offer it to you at a very
exceptional price which I only reserve for my most previledged clients,
which means you Alice.
是這樣的, 之前的來信說:
1)Firstly it is essential to prepare your spiritual essence your mental being and your emotional resources to purify and eliminate all knots and blockages. Our personal experiences create blockages at different places adn between different Chakra pints adn thse blockages ralther tnan completely closing these whirpools of energy mean taht the energy flow is stunted or limited. what I offer ro produce for you is a complete cleansing of your Chakra poinnts to rid you of the pollution which stops you from opening them completely
2) I am going to act in a very strong adn decisive manner to protect you from certain exterior pressures and place you in a stable , positive and above all beneficial environment. you will be sheltered from negative elements and the stress which hass hassled ou for quite some time now. This will be psychic work, using magnetic energy,
我是需要知道她這些要花多久的時間會比較方便, 因為我是寄出的都被退回(yahoo mail), 也沒能問詳細, 這樣還沒真的採用, 放上來這邊請教大大看的比較多case, 知道比較深
不知道有什麼建議可以做參考的嗎? 很抱歉~~怕翻譯不好有失真相, 都是直接抄上來 謝謝

編輯者: alice_c (2004-10-31 08:59:14)

板主:  ikarikun 
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