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#36192 - 2001-10-12 04:16:53 oh-o...
kaicheng 離線
註冊: 2001-10-07
文章數: 23


1. Question ruler Jupiter in 5th opposites Mars in 11th (5th of 7th), with 1 degree orb.

OK. A significant chart about "breaking-up" is sustained.

2. Question co-ruler Moon in 2nd inconjucts Sun in 7th (the opponent), with 1 degree orb.

OK. To me, it looks like: things (or thoughts) regarding "money & material", between the subject and her opponent, are to be "adjusted".

3. Totally 7 incojuctions in the chart, Sun to Moon, Moon to Part of Fortune, Moon to MC, Mars to Saturn, Juptiter to MC, Sun to Asc, Part of Fortune to Asc.

To me, definitely a chart of ADJUSTMENT. Specially due to the "God's finger" which is formed by co-ruler Moon, ruler Jupiter and MC, is pointing to MC.
Well, if it represents not "the parents" problem, which may possiblely be my mis-interpretation, it then should be a problem regarding "CAREER opposites FAMILY".

4. Saturn, conjucting 4th cusp, opposites MC with 1 degree orb.

OK. I surrender. It's the Career Family problem.

5. Moon, question co-ruler, is soon to perfect its sextile to Jupiter, then to perfect its trine to Mars.
However, Moon between "the two evil", Mars and Saturn, shows little confidence to make a positive outcome; and, the its next new aspect to be formed, is to conjuct deepest Saturn, oppositing MC.

So, according to the above, my prediction was as per in first article: "Staying OK for a while, keeping financially connected, but not for all the way..."

BUT, now I think I was wrong.
I was too much focusing on the EVIL stuff, pay no attention to:
1. After perfect its trine to Mars, Moon will again perfect a "good" aspect, trine to the 7th Venus.
2. Before the conjuction to Saturn, Moon is going change its aspect to Sun, from inconjuction to trine.
3. The Grand Trine, formed by co-ruler Moon, 7th house Venus and 11th house Mars.

So, it will have a GOOD outcome, and a happy ending as well.
(Even if they can not be together anymore, they'll be glad that the breaking-up decision was made.)



議題 貼文者 : 張貼日期
有誰解解看? jwjwo 2001-10-05 08:49:42
Re: 有誰解解看? Puka2000 2001-10-09 04:54:25
Re: 有誰解解看? jwjwo 2001-10-09 08:48:27
Re: 有誰解解看? Puka2000 2001-10-09 13:59:14
我來猜猜看... kaicheng 2001-10-09 08:15:07
Re: 我來猜猜看... jwjwo 2001-10-10 06:53:37
oh-o... kaicheng 2001-10-12 04:16:53
Re: oh-o... jwjwo 2001-10-12 07:51:46
Re: oh-o... ikarikun 2001-10-12 12:54:06
orb kaicheng 2001-10-15 03:52:01
7th house Ruler perigrine kaicheng 2001-10-15 05:15:15
大逆轉..... jwjwo 2001-10-16 05:15:34
Re: 大逆轉..... kaicheng 2001-10-16 06:11:52
貼圖 一頁書nc5 2001-10-12 16:08:47
貼圖(2) 一頁書nc5 2001-10-12 16:58:56
Re: 貼圖(2) ikarikun 2001-10-14 13:43:18
Re: 貼圖(2) 一頁書nc5 2001-10-14 16:08:20
Re: 大逆轉..... 午月雪 2023-04-25 06:48:16

板主:  ikarikun 
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