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Hexagram 57 The Gentle (The Penetrating, Wind)
Expression Xùn intimates that (under the conditions which it denotes) there will be some little attainment and progress. There will be advantage in movement onward in whatever direction. It will be advantageous (also) to see the great man.
Judgement The Gentle. Success through what is small. It furthers one to have somewhere to go. It furthers one to see the great man.
Image Winds following one upon the other. Image of the Gently Penetrating. Thus the superior man Spreads his commands abroad And carries out his undertakings.
  Expression: Penetration under the bed. He loses his property and his ax. Perseverance brings misfortune.
Image: 'The representative of penetration is beneath a couch:'--though occupying the topmost place, his powers are exhausted. 'He has lost the axe with which he executed his decisions:'--though he try to be correct, there will be evil.
  Expression: Perseverance brings good fortune. Remorse vanishes. Nothing that does not further. No beginning, but an end. Before the change, three days. After the change, three days. Good fortune.
Image: 'The good fortune of (the subject of) the fifth NINE, undivided,' is owing to its correct position and its being in the centre.
      Expression: Repeated penetration. Humiliation.
Image: 'He takes game in his hunting, enough for the threefold use of it:'--he achieves merit.
  Expression: Repeated penetration. Humiliation.
Image: 'The regret arising from the violent and repeated efforts to penetrate' shows the exhaustion of the will.
  Expression: Penetration under the bed. Priests and magicians are used in great number. Good fortune. No blame.
Image: 'The good fortune springing from what borders on confusion' is due to the position (of the line) in the centre.
      Expression: In advancing and in retreating, the perseverance of a warrior furthers.
Image: '(Now) he advances, (now) he recedes:'--his mind is perplexed.It would be advantageous for him to have the firmness of a brave soldier:'--his mind would in that case be well governed.