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Hexagram 29 The Abysmal (Water)
Expression Kǎn, here repeated, shows the possession of sincerity, through which the mind is. penetrating. Action (in accordance with this) will be of high value.
Judgement The Abysmal repeated. If you are sincere, you have success in your heart, And whatever you do succeeds.
Image Water flows on uninterruptedly and reaches its goal. Image of the Abysmal repeated. Thus the superior man walks in lasting virtue And carries on the business of teaching.
      Expression: Bound with cords and ropes, Shut in between thorn-hedged prison walls: For three years one does not find the way. Misfortune.
Image: 'The sixth line, divided, shows its subject missing his (proper) course:'--'there will be evil for three years.'
  Expression: The abyss is not filled to overflowing, It is filled only to the rim. No blame.
Image: 'The water in the defile is not full (so as to flow away):'--(the virtue indicated by) the central situation is not yet (sufficiently) great.
      Expression: A jug of wine, a bowl of rice with it; Earthen vessels simply handed in through the window. There is certainly no blame in this.
Image: '(Nothing but) a bottle of spirits and a subsidiary basket of rice:'--(these describe) the meeting at this point of (those who are represented by) the strong and weak lines.
      Expression: Forward and backward, abyss on abyss. In danger like this, pause at first and wait, otherwise you will fall into a pit in the abyss. Do not act in this way.
Image: 'Whether he comes or goes, he is confronted by a defile:'--he will never (in such circumstances) achieve any success.。
  Expression: The abyss is dangerous. One should strive to attain small things only.
Image: 'He will get a little (of the deliverance) that he seeks:'--he will not yet escape from his environed position.
      Expression: Repetition of the Abysmal. In the abyss one falls into a pit. Misfortune.
Image: 'In the double defile, he enters a cavern within it:'--he has missed his (proper) way, and there will be evil.