
貼文者 : : 向日葵花季

中國占星的發展 - 2019-09-22 16:29:56


A brief introduce of the Chinese Astrology. Sorry, I can’t list their time periods because it is covered each other.
In Tang Dynasty , the east and west culture exchange was in their peak season due to the world trade ( Iranian or Islam traders ) , so it might not surprised that the western astrology ( or indian astrology ) had a remarkable effect on the Chinese astrology practicers at that time.
(1) Chinese Astrology ( the interconnection between the starry motion and human affairs ) starts the systems of Tan Gan (天干) Di Zhi(地支) Five elements ( 五行) and Chinese did the Sun , Moon, Venus … the seven planets observation.
Some reference:
《尚書 洪範》,《呂氏春秋 月令》,《管子 五行》,《管子 幼官》,《周髀算經》,《墨經》,《京氏易傳》,《黃帝內經》,《抱扑子》,《太玄》,《白虎通德論》,《史記》
(2) Chinese Astrology turns to the system that makes constellation of Ursa Major as their coordinate of the direction and guide to predict events.
Some reference:
《史記,天官書》,《晉書 天文志》,《春秋 運樞》,《黃帝占》,《續漢書 天文志》,《晉書 天文志》,《星經》,《淮南子 天文訓》,
(3)Develop the fixed constellation methodology.
Some reference :
《後漢書 天文志》,《開元占經》,《乾象新書》,《春秋緯》,《觀象玩占》,《春秋左傳》,《荊州傳》,《步天歌》,《周禮 春官宗伯》, 《乙巳占》
(4 ) Seven planets and fixed stars
The Sun’s annual motion, the Moon’s month motion …etc .. and the other five planets. .Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter , Saturn.. and the eclipse.
Some reference :
《五行大義》, 《開元占經》,《太玄經》,《周禮 地官司徒》,《洪範五行傳》,《左傳》,《京房易傳》,《東觀占》
(5 ) new predicted techniques divorced from the stars’s motion and disposition.
太乙式,風角占測, 遁甲式,六壬式


星盤工具(類似現在的western astrology ),
