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Conflict Hexagram 象曰:Heaven and water go their opposite ways: The image of Conflict. Thus in all his transactions the superior man carefully considers the beginning.
彖曰:Conflict. You are sincere and are being obstructed. A cautious halt halfway brings good fortune. Going through to the end brings misfortune. It furthers one to see the great man. It does not further one to cross the great water.
Conflict » Hexagram
2011/01/20 10:05
《京房易傳》 坎下乾上 訟




天下見水,陰陽相背,二氣不交,物何由生。吉凶宗於上九,進退見於九四,二居中履正,得其宜也。 陰陽升降,複歸內象。(陰去陽來複本位,內見離,同人。)次降天火同人卦。(次本陽上下,二爻陰,適變從離也。)

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