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Difficulty at the Beginning Hexagram 象曰:Clouds and thunder: The image of Difficulty at the Beginning. Thus the superior man Brings order out of confusion.
彖曰:Difficulty at the Beginning works supreme success, Furthering through perseverance. Nothing should be undertaken. It furthers one to appoint helpers.
Difficulty at the Beginning » Hexagram
2011/01/17 00:43
《京房易傳》 震下坎上 屯




(庚寅木,戊辰土。)世上見大夫,應至尊。陰陽得位,君臣相應,可以定難於草昧之世。 建乙酉至庚寅,(秋分至立春。)積算起庚寅至己丑,周而復始。(土木配本宮起積算。)


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