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Hexagram 6 Conflict
Expression Sòng intimates how, though there is sincerity in one's contention, he will yet meet with opposition and obstruction; but if he cherish an apprehensive caution, there will be good fortune, while, if he must prosecute the contention to the (bitter) end, there will be evil. It will be advantageous to see the great man; it will not be advantageous to cross the great stream.
Judgement Conflict. You are sincere and are being obstructed. A cautious halt halfway brings good fortune. Going through to the end brings misfortune. It furthers one to see the great man. It does not further one to cross the great water.
Image Heaven and water go their opposite ways: The image of Conflict. Thus in all his transactions the superior man carefully considers the beginning.
  Expression: Even if by chance a leather belt is bestowed on one, By the end of a morning , it will have been snatched away three times.
Image: 'He receives the robe through his contention:'--but still be is not deserving of respect.
  Expression: To contend before him brings good fortune.
Image: 'He contends;--and 'with great fortune:--this is shown by his holding the due mean and being in the correct place.
  Expression: One cannot engage in conflict. One turns back and submits to fate, Changes one's attitude, And finds peace in perseverance. Good fortune.
Image: 'He returns to (the study of Heaven's) ordinances, changes (his wish to contend), and rests in being firm and correct:'--he does not fail (in doing what is right).
      Expression: To nourish oneself on ancient virtue induces perseverance. Danger. In the end, good fortune comes. If by chance you are in the service of a king, Seek not works.
Image: 'He confines himself to the support assigned to him of old:'--(thus) following those above him, he will have good fortune.
  Expression: One cannot engage in conflict; One returns home, gives way. The people of his town, Three hundred households, Remain free of guilt.
Image: 'He is unequal to the contention; he retires and keeps concealed, stealthily withdrawing from it:'--for him from his lower place to contend with (the stronger one) above, would be to (invite) calamity, as if he brought it with his hand to himself.
      Expression: If one does not perpetuate the affair, There is a little gossip. In the end, good fortune comes.
Image: 'He does not perpetuate the matter about which (the contention is):'--contention should not be prolonged. Although 'he may suffer the small (injury) of being spoken against,' his argument is clear.