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Hexagram 54 The Marrying Maiden
Expression Guī Mèi indicates that (under the conditions which it denotes) action will be evil, and in no wise advantageous.
Judgement The Marrying Maiden. Undertakings bring misfortune. Nothing that would further.
Image Thunder over the lake. Image of the Marrying Maiden. Thus the superior man Understands the transitory In the light of the eternity of the end.
      Expression: The woman holds the basket, but there are no fruits in it. The man stabs the sheep, but no blood flows. Nothing that acts to further.
Image: '(What is said in) the sixth SIX, (divided),about there being nothing in the basket' shows that the subject of it is carrying an empty basket.
      Expression: The sovereign I gave his daughter in marriage. The embroidered garments of the princess were not as gorgeous as those of the servingmaid. The moon that is nearly full brings good fortune.
Image: 'The sleeves of the younger sister of (king) Tî-yî, when she was married away, were not equal to those of her (half-)sister, who accompanied her:'--such was her noble character, indicated by the central position of the line.
  Expression: The marrying maiden draws out the allotted time. A late marriage comes in due course.
Image: (The purpose in) 'protracting the time' is that, after waiting, the thing may be done (all the better).
      Expression: The marrying maiden as a slave. She marries as a concubine.
Image: 'The younger sister who was to be married off is in a mean position:'--this is shown by the improprieties (indicated in the line).
  Expression: A one-eyed man who is able to see. The perseverance of a solitary man furthers.
Image: 'There will be advantage in maintaining the firm correctness of a solitary widow:'--(the subject of the line) has not changed from the constancy (proper to a wife).
  Expression: The marrying maiden as a concubine. A lame man who is able to tread. Undertakings bring good fortune.
Image: 'The younger sister is married off in a position ancillary to that of the real wife:'--it is the constant practice (for such a case). 'Lame on one leg, she is able to tramp along:'--she can render helpful service.