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Hexagram 35 Progress
Expression In Jìn we see a prince who secures the tranquillity (of the people) presented on that account with numerous horses (by the king), and three times in a day received at interviews.
Judgement Progress. The powerful prince Is honored with horses in large numbers. In a single day he is granted audience three times.
Image The sun rises over the earth. Image of Progress. Thus the superior man himself Brightens his bright virtue.
  Expression: Making progress with the horns is permissible only for the purpose of punishing one's own city. To be conscious of danger brings good fortune. No blame. Perseverance brings humiliation.
Image: 'He uses his horns only to punish (the rebellious people of) his city:'--his course of procedure is not yet brilliant.
      Expression: Remorse disappears. Take not gain and loss to heart. Undertakings bring good fortune. Everything serves to further..
Image: 'Let him not concern himself whether he fails or succeeds:'--his movement in advance will afford ground for congratulation.
  Expression: Progress like a hamster. Perseverance brings danger.
Image: '(He advances like) a marmot. However firm and correct he may be, his position is one of peril:'--his place is not that appropriate for him.
      Expression: All are in accord. Remorse disappears.
Image: 'All (around) trust him:'--their (common) aim is to move upwards and act.
      Expression: Progressing, but in sorrow. Perseverance brings good fortune. Then one obtains great happiness from one's ancestress.
Image: 'He will receive this great blessing:'--for he is in the central place and the correct position for him.
      Expression: Progressing, but turned back. Perseverance brings good fortune. If one meets with no confidence, one should remain calm. No mistake.
Image: 'He appears wishing to advance, but (at the same time) being kept back:'--all-alone he pursues the correct course. 'Let him maintain a large and generous mind, and there will be no error:'--he has not yet received an official charge.