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Hexagram 25 Innocence (The Unexpected)
Expression Wú Wàng indicates great progress and success, while there will be advantage in being firm and correct. If (its subject and his action) be not correct, he will fall into errors, and it will not be advantageous for him to move in any direction.
Judgement Innocence. Supreme success. Perseverance furthers. If someone is not as he should be, He has misfortune, And it does not further him To undertake anything.
Image Under heaven thunder rolls: All things attain the natural state of innocence. Thus the kings of old, Rich in virtue, and in harmony with the time, Fostered and nourished all beings.
  Expression: Innocent action brings misfortune. Nothing furthers.
Image: 'The action (in this case) of one who is free from insincerity' will occasion the calamity arising from action (when the time for it is) exhausted.
  Expression: Use no medicine in an illness incurred through no fault of your own. It will pass of itself.
Image: 'Medicine in the case of one who is free from insincerity!'--it should not be tried (at all).
  Expression: He who can be persevering remains without blame.
Image: 'If he can remain firm and correct there will be no error:'--he firmly holds fast (his correctness).
      Expression: Undeserved misfortune. The cow that was tethered by someone is the wanderer's gain, the citizen's loss.
Image: 'The passer-by gets the ox:'--this proves a calamity to the people of the neighbourhood.
      Expression: If one does not count on the harvest while plowing, nor on the use of the ground while clearing it, it furthers one to undertake something..
Image: 'He reaps without having ploughed:'--(the thought of) riches to be got had not risen (in his mind).
  Expression: Innocent behavior brings good fortune.
Image: When 'he who is free from insincerity makes any movement,' he will get what he desires.