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Hexagram 18 Work on What Has Been Spoiled [Decay]
Expression Gǔ indicates great progress and success (to him who deals properly with the condition represented by it). There will be advantage in (efforts like that of) crossing the great stream. (He should weigh well, however, the events of) three days before the turning point, and those (to be done) three days after it.
Judgement Work on What Has Been Spoiled has supreme success. It furthers one to cross the great water. Before the starting point, three days. After the starting point, three days.
Image The wind blows low on the mountain: The image of Decay. Thus the superior man stirs up the people and strengthens their spirit.
  Expression: He does not serve kings and princes, sets himself higher goals.
Image: 'He does not serve either king or feudal lord:'--but his aim may be a model (to others).
      Expression: Setting right what has been spoiled by the father. One meets with praise.
Image: 'He deals with the troubles caused by his father, and obtains praise:'--he is responded to (by the subject of line two) with all his virtue.
      Expression: Tolerating what has been spoiled by the father. In continuing one sees humiliation.
Image: 'He views indulgently the troubles caused by his father:'--if he go forward, he will not succeed.
  Expression: Setting right what has been spoiled by the father. There will be little remorse. No great blame.
Image: 'He deals with the troubles caused by his father:'--in the end there will be no error.
  Expression: Setting right what has been spoiled by the mother. One must not be too persevering.
Image: 'He deals with the troubles caused by his mother:'--he holds to the course of the due mean.
      Expression: Setting right what has been spoiled by the father. If there is a son, no blame rests upon the departed father. Danger. In the end good fortune.
Image: 'He deals with the troubles caused by his father:'--he feels that he has entered into the work of his father.