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Hexagram 1 The Creative
Expression Qian (represents) what is great and originating, penetrating, advantageous, correct and firm.
Judgement The Creative works sublime success,Furthering through perseverance.
Image The movement of heaven is full of power. Thus the superior man makes himself strong and untiring.
9 Expression When all the lines are nines, it means: There appears a flight of dragons without heads. Good fortune.
Image 'The same NINE (undivided) is used' (in all the places of this hexagram), but the attribute of heaven (thereby denoted) should not (always) take the foremost place.
  Expression: Arrogant dragon will have cause to repent.
Image: 'The dragon exceeds the proper limits; - there will be occasion for repentance:' - a state of fulness, that is, should not be indulged in long.
  Expression: Flying dragon in the heavens.It furthers one to see the great man.
Image: 'The dragon is on the wing in the sky:' - the great man rouses himself to his work.
  Expression: Wavering flight over the depths.No blame.
Image: 'He seems to be leaping up, but is still in the deep:' - if he advance, there will be no error.
  Expression: All day long the superior man is creatively active.At nightfall his mind is still beset with cares.Danger. No blame.
Image: 'Active and vigilant all the day:' - (this refers to) the treading of the (proper) path over and over again.
  Expression: Dragon appearing in the field.It furthers one to see the great man.
Image: 'The dragon appears in the field:' - the diffusion of virtuous influence has been wide.
  Expression: Hidden dragon. Do not act.
Image: 'The dragon lies hid;--it is not the time for active doing:'--the position is (too) low.