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Hexagram 61 Inner Truth
Expression Zhōng Fú (moves even) pigs and fish, and leads to good fortune. There will be advantage in crossing the great stream. There will be advantage in being firm and correct.
Judgement Inner Truth. Pigs and fishes. Good fortune. It furthers one to cross the great water. Perseverance furthers.
Image Wind over lake. Image of Inner Truth. Thus the superior man discusses criminal cases In order to delay executions.
  Expression: Cockcrow penetrating to heaven. Perseverance brings misfortune.
Image: 'Chanticleer (tries to) mount to heaven:'--but how can (such an effort) continue long?
  Expression: He possesses truth, which links together. No blame.
Image: 'He is perfectly sincere, and links others to him in closest union:'--the place (of the line) is the correct and appropriate one.
      Expression: The moon nearly at the full. The team horse goes astray. No blame.
Image: 'A horse the fellow of which disappears:'--he breaks from his (former) companions, and mounts upwards.
      Expression: He finds a comrade. Now he beats the drum, now he stops. Now he sobs, now he sings.
Image: 'Now he beats his drum, and now he leaves off:'--the position (of the line) is the appropriate one for it.
  Expression: A crane calling in the shade. Its young answers it. I have a good goblet. I will share it with you.
Image: 'Her young ones respond to her:'--from the (common) wish of the inmost heart.
  Expression: Being prepared brings good fortune. If there are secret designs, it is disquieting.
Image: 'The first NINE, (undivided), shows its subject resting (in himself). There will be good fortune:'--no change has yet come over his purpose.