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Hexagram 53 Development (Gradual Progress)
Expression Chien suggests to us the marriage of a young lady, and the good fortune (attending it). There will be advantage in being firm and correct.
Judgement Development. The maiden Is given in marriage. Good fortune. Perseverance furthers.
Image On the mountain, a tree. Image of Development. Thus the superior man abides in dignity and virtue, In order to improve the mores.
  Expression: The wild goose gradually draws near the cloud heights. Its feathers can be used for the sacred dance. Good fortune.
Image: 'Their feathers can be used as ornaments. There will be good fortune:'--(the object and character of the subject of the line) cannot be disturbed.
  Expression: The wild goose gradually draws near the summit. For three years the woman has no child. In the end nothing can hinder her. Good fortune.
Image: 'In the end the natural issue cannot be prevented. There will be good fortune:'--(the subject of the line) will get what he desires.
      Expression: The wild goose gradually draws near the tree. Perhaps it will find a flat branch. No blame.
Image: 'They may light on the flat branches:'--there is docility (in the line) going on to flexible penetration.
  Expression: The wild goose gradually draws near the plateau. The man goes forth and does not return. The woman carries a child but does not bring it forth. Misfortune. It furthers one to fight off robbers.
Image: 'A husband goes and does not return:'--he separates himself from his comrades. 'A wife is pregnant, but will not nourish her child:'--she has failed in her (proper) course. 'It might be advantageous in resisting plunderers:'--by acting as here indicated men would preserve one another.
      Expression: The wild goose gradually draws near the cliff. Eating and drinking in peace and concord. Good fortune.
Image: 'They eat and drink joyfully and at ease:'--but not without having earned their food.
      Expression: The wild goose gradually draws near the shore. The young son is in danger. There is talk. No blame.
Image: 'The danger of a small officer (as represented in the first line)' is owing to no fault of his in the matter of what is right.