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Hexagram 46 Pushing Upward
Expression Shēng indicates that (under its conditions) there will be great progress and success. Seeking by (the qualities implied in it) to meet with the great man, its subject need have no anxiety. Advance to the south will be fortunate.
Judgement Pushing Upward has supreme success. One must see the great man. Fear not. Departure toward the south Brings good fortune.
Image Within the earth, wood grows. Image of Pushing Upward. Thus the superior man of devoted character Heaps small things In order to achieve something high and great.
      Expression: Pushing upward in darkness. It furthers one to be unremittingly persevering.
Image: 'He blindly advances upwards,' and is in the highest place:--but there is decay in store for him, and he will not (preserve) his riches.
      Expression: Perseverance brings good fortune. One pushes upward by steps.
Image: 'He is firmly correct, and will therefore enjoy good fortune. He ascends the stairs (with all due ceremony):'--he grandly succeeds in his aim.
      Expression: The king offers him Mount Ch'i. Good fortune. No blame.
Image: 'The king employs him to prevent his offerings on mount Khî:'--such a service (of spiritual Beings) is according to (their mind).
  Expression: One pushes upward into an empty city.
Image: 'He advances upwards (as into) an empty city:'--he has no doubt or hesitation.
  Expression: If one is sincere, it furthers one to bring even a small offering. No blame.
Image: 'The sincerity of the subject of the second NINE, undivided,' affords occasion for joy.
      Expression: Pushing upward that meets with confidence brings great good fortune.
Image: 'He is welcomed in his advance upwards, and there will be great good fortune:'--(the subjects of) the upper (trigram) are of the same mind with him.