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Hexagram 3 Difficulty at the Beginning
Expression Chun (indicates that in the case which it presupposes) there will be great progress and success, and the advantage will come from being correct and firm. (But) any movement in advance should not be (lightly) undertaken. There will be advantage in appointing feudal princes.
Judgement Difficulty at the Beginning works supreme success, Furthering through perseverance. Nothing should be undertaken. It furthers one to appoint helpers.
Image Clouds and thunder: The image of Difficulty at the Beginning. Thus the superior man Brings order out of confusion.
      Expression: Horse and wagon part. Bloody tears flow.
Image: 'He weeps tears of blood in streams:'--how can the state (thus emblemed) continue long?
  Expression: Difficulties in blessing. A little perseverance brings good fortune. Great perseverance brings misfortune.
Image: 'Difficulty is experienced (by the subject of the fifth line) in bestowing his rich favours:'--the extent to which they reach will not yet be conspicuous.
      Expression: Horse and wagon part. Strive for union. To go brings good fortune. Everything acts to further.
Image: 'Going forward after such a search (for a helper)' shows intelligence.
      Expression: Whoever hunts deer without the forester. Only loses his way in the forest. The superior man understands the signs of the time. And prefers to desist. To go on brings humiliation.
Image: 'One pursues the deer without the (guidance of the) forester:'--(he does so) in (his eagerness to) follow the game. 'The superior man gives up the chase, (knowing that) if he go forward he will regret it:'--he would be reduced to extremity.
      Expression: Difficulties pile up. Horse and wagon part. He is not a robber; He wants to woo when the time comes. The maiden is chaste, She does not pledge herself. Ten years-then she pledges herself.
Image: The difficulty (to the subject of) the second SIX, (divided), arises from, its place over the undivided line below it. 'The union and children after ten years' shows things resuming their regular course.
  Expression: Hesitation and hindrance. It furthers one to remain persevering. It furthers one to appoint helpers.
Image: Although 'there is a difficulty in advancing,' the mind (of the subject of the line) is set on doing what is correct. While noble, he humbles himself to the mean, and grandly gains the people.