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Hexagram 24 Return (The Turning Point)
Expression Fû indicates that there will be free course and progress (in what it denotes). (The subject of it) finds no one to distress him in his exits and entrances; friends come to him, and no error is committed . He will return and repeat his (proper) course. In seven days comes his return. There will be advantage in whatever direction movement is made.
Judgement Return. Success. Going out and coming in without error. Friends come without blame. To and fro goes the way. On the seventh day comes return. It furthers one to have somewhere to go.
Image Thunder within the earth . Image of the Turning Point. Thus the kings of antiquity closed the passes At the time of solstice. Merchants and strangers did not go about, And the ruler Did not travel through the provinces.
      Expression: Missing the return. Misfortune. Misfortune from within and without. If armies are set marching in this way, one will in the end suffer a great defeat, disastrous for the ruler of the country. For ten years it will not be possible to attack again.
Image: 'The evil consequent on being all astray on the subject of returning' is because the course pursued is contrary to the proper course for a ruler.
      Expression: Noblehearted return. No remorse.
Image: 'The noble return, giving no ground for repentance,' is due to (the subject of the line) striving to perfect himself in accordance with his central position.
      Expression: Walking in the midst of others, One returns alone.
Image: 'He moves right in the centre (among those represented by the other divided lines), and yet returns alone:'--his object is to pursue the (proper) path.
      Expression: Repeated return. Danger. No blame.
Image: Notwithstanding 'the perilous position of him who has made many returns,' there will be no error through (his aiming after righteousness).
      Expression: Quiet return. Good fortune.
Image: 'The good fortune attendant on the admirable return (of the subject of the second line)' is due to his condescension to the virtuous (subject of the line) below.
  Expression: Return from a short distance. No need for remorse. Great good fortune.
Image: 'Returning (from an error) of no great extent' is the prelude to the cultivation of the person.