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Hexagram 2 The Receptive
Expression K'un (represents) what is great and originating, penetrating, advantageous, correct and having the firmness of a mare. When the superior man (here intended) has to make any movement, if he take the initiative, he will go astray; if he follow, he will find his (proper) lord. The advantageousness will be seen in his getting friends in the south-west, and losing friends in the north-east. If he rest in correctness and firmness, there will be good fortune.
Judgement The Receptive brings about sublime success, Furthering through the perseverance of a mare. If the superior man undertakes something and tries to lead, He goes astray; But if he follows, he finds guidance. It is favorable to find friends in the west and south, To forego friends in the east and north. Quiet perseverance brings good fortune.
Image The earth's condition is receptive devotion.Thus the superior man who has breadth of character Carries the outer world.
6 Expression: (The lines of this hexagram are all weak and divided, as appears from) the use of the number six. If those (who are thus represented) be perpetually correct and firm, advantage will arise.
Image: '(The lines are all weak and divided, as appears from) the use of the number SIX:--but (those who are thus represented) becoming perpetually correct and firm, there will thereby be a great consummation.
      Expression: Dragons fight in the meadow. Their blood is black and yellow.
Image: 'The dragons fight in the wild:--the (onward) course (indicated by K'un) is pursued to extremity.
      Expression: A yellow lower garment brings supreme good fortune.
Image: 'The Yellow lower-garment;--there will be great good fortune:'--this follows from that ornamental (colour's) being in the right and central place.
      Expression: A tied-up sack. No blame, no praise.
Image: 'A sack tied up;--there will be no error:'--this shows how, through carefulness, no injury will be received.
      Expression: Hidden lines. One is able to remain persevering. If by chance you are in the service of a king, Seek not works, but bring to completion.
Image: 'He keeps his excellence tinder restraint, but firmly maintains it:'--at the proper time he will manifest it. 'He may have occasion to engage in the king's service:--great is the glory of his wisdom.
      Expression: Straight, square, great. Without purpose,Yet nothing remains unfurthered.
Image: The movement indicated by the second SIX, (divided),is 'from the straight (line) to the square.' '(Its operation), without repeated effort, in every way advantageous,' shows the brilliant result of the way of earth.
      Expression: When there is hoarfrost underfoot, Solid ice is not far off.
Image: 'He is treading on hoarfrost;--the strong ice will come (by and by):'--the cold (air) has begun to take form. Allow it to go on quietly according to its nature, and (the hoarfrost) will come to strong ice.