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Hexagram 15 Modesty
Expression Qián indicates progress and success. The superior man, (being humble as it implies), will have a (good) issue (to his undertakings).
Judgement Modesty creates success. The superior man carries things through.
Image Within the earth, a mountain: The image of Modesty. Thus the superior man reduces that which is too much, and augments that which is too little. He weighs things and makes them equal.
      Expression: Modesty that comes to expression. It is favorable to set armies marching to chastise one's own city and one's country.
Image: 'His humility has made itself recognised:'--(but) all his aims have not yet been attained. He may employ the force of arms, (but only) in correcting (his own) towns and state.'
      Expression: No boasting of wealth before one's neighbor. It is favorable to attack with force. Nothing that would not further.
Image: 'He may advantageously use the force of arms:'--correcting, that is, those who do not submit.
      Expression: Nothing that would not further modesty in movement..
Image: 'One, whose action would be in every way advantageous, stirs up his humility the more:'(but in doing so) he does not act contrary to the (proper) rule.
  Expression: A superior man of modesty and merit carries things to conclusion. Good fortune.
Image: 'The superior man of (acknowledged) merit, and yet humble:'--the myriads of the people will submit to him.
      Expression: Modesty that comes to expression. Perseverance brings good fortune.
Image: 'The good fortune consequent on being firm and correct, where the humility has made itself recognised, is owing to the possessor's having (the virtue) in the core of his heart.
      Expression: A superior man modest about his modesty may cross the great water. Good fortune.
Image: 'The superior man who adds humility to humility' is one who nourishes his (virtue) in lowliness.